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Mindfulness has its roots in ancient buddhism but was pioneered as a model by Jon Kabot Zinn. Initially the movement was designed for patients with debilitating and chronic pain. Brain scans showed that after practicing an eight week programme of mindfulness there was a provable change in the brain activity leading to patients reporting reduced pain enabling them to lead a more manageable life.


It is recognised that living a more mindful, moment to moment life, the overall quality of life and every day issues can be improved. So whether you just need to relax more or reduce yours stress levels, mindfulness could be the perfect solution.


Mindfulness can help with a variety of issues including health management, addiction, weight management and anxiety as well as many other issues. Being more mindful can improve your overall outlook on life and regular use of breathing techniques can lead to an overall feeling of better 'wellness'.


Learning to relax with the use of breathing technique's and meditations can be a benefit in all situations.

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